
Keep up to date with civil ligitation and business law matters that are going on in our community,

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Trademarks and Copyright Infringements

Based in Miami, Xander Law Group prides itself on developing efficient solutions when it comes to intellectual property – especially trademarks and copyright infringements. According to The Florida Bar, “Intellectual property is the body of law that protects the fruits of human intelligence: our inventions, our creative works, and the...
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Family Law: Dividing A Business In A Divorce

The dissolution of a marriage is inherently intricate, however, when both spouses are joint proprietors of a business, the asset distribution becomes even more complicated. In such situations, it’s important not only to secure a proficient divorce attorney but one who specializes in family law. This type of lawyer can...
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The Basics of Civil Litigation

Civil litigation occurs when two or more parties are involved in some type of legal disagreement that involves money or action to be taken but doesn’t involve criminal law. They usually head to trial where a judge hears the facts of the case, applies it to local, state, and federal...
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